(if:$sleepHours < 6 and $sleepHours > 0) [You once again awaken in the room. Everything is is exactly the same as before, even though it feels like you've been asleep for at least $sleepHours hours.]
(if: $displayIntro is 0) [You awaken in an small room with blank, white walls and no windows. It seems the size of a child's bedroom.
You shake your head to clear any mental cobwebs. For some reason you can't remember your name or why you're here... (set: $displayIntro to 1)]
(if: $sleepHours < 6)[On the far side of the room is a door and right beside your bed is a Trash Can.
[[Go To Trash Can|Trash Can]]
[[Inspect Bed|Bed]]
[[Go To Door|Door]]
(if: $sleepHours >= 6 and $lastStage is 0)[As you awaken you notice the room has changed. The trash can is gone, and instead a potted plant has taken it's place. Squarely placed in the rooms center is a table with a chest on it.
Could someone have come in while you were sleeping?
[[Inspect Bed|Bed]]
[[Go To Door|Door]]
[[Go to Plant| Plant]]
[[Go to Chest| Chest]]]
(if: $lastStage is 1)[ As you awaken you notice the room has been changed once again. The potted plant and chest have been removed, instead a wooden barrel sits in the rooms center.
You don't remember being such a heavy sleeper...but then again you dont remember much of anything. (set: $lastStage to 2)
[[Inspect Bed|Bed]]
[[Go To Door|Door]]
[[Go to Barrel|Barrel]]]
It'sthe only other piece of furnishing in the room. Guess cleanliness must be important to whoever lives here.
[[Inspect Trash Can|Inspect Trash]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]The bed is actually quite comfortable. You're quite sure this is what sleeping on a cloud would feel like.
[[Go to Sleep| Sleep]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
{(if: $sleepHours < 6)[[Go to Trash Can|Trash Can]]
(if:$sleepHours >= 6 and $lastStage is 0)[[Go to Plant| Plant]]
(if:$sleepHours >= 6 and $lastStage is 0)[[Go to Chest| Chest]]
(if:$lastStage is 1)[[Go to Barrel|Barrel]]
(if: $hasWick is 1)[[Inspect Bed| Inspect Bed]]}
The floor is cold beneath your bare feet as you stand near the door.
[[Inspect Door| Inspect Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
(if: $sleepHours < 6)[[Go to Trash Can|Trash Can]]
(if:$sleepHours >= 6 and $lastStage is 0)[[Go to Plant| Plant]]
(if:$sleepHours >= 6 and $lastStage is 0)[[Go to Chest| Chest]]
(if:$lastStage is 1)[[Go to Barrel|Barrel]]You look inside the trash can to see...nothing.
It's completely clean. Almost like it's never been used before...
[[Done|Trash Can]](if:$sleepHours is 0) [All this mystery is a bit overwhelming. You decide to go back to sleep and figure it out later.]
You sink deep into the bed and a peaceful slumber.
(set: $sleepHours to $sleepHours + 1)
You've been asleep for $sleepHours hour(s). You think....
[[Wake Up|The Room ]]
[[Keep Sleeping| Sleep]]
(if: $hasBomb is 1)[(set: $lastStage to 1)]It's just a regular old door. It's just as white as the rest of the room, though it's gold doorknob is inviting...
You attempt to open the door. CLICK
It's locked. Figures.
(if: $hasLighter is 1)[Fortunately, you now have a way to open any door...
|bomb>[Light the Bomb]
(click:?bomb)[(replace:?bomb)[(link-goto:"You second guess yourself. The room is pretty small...Do you really want to light it?", "Light the Bomb")]]
A large potted plant sits beside your bed.
(if: $hasKey is 5) [ (set: $goodSearch to 0)]
[[Inspect Plant|Inspect Plant]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Chest| Chest]]You stand squarely in front of the chest.
[[Inspect Chest|Inspect Chest]]
[[Inspect Table|Inspect Table]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Plant| Plant]](set: $goodSearch to $goodSearch + 1)
(if: $goodSearch < 4) [You were never good at identifying plant species. For all intensive purposes it seems to be a normal plant, with long green stalks sticking 4 feet in the air. The plant's soil seems well fertilized and resides in a bright orange pot that seems slightly off balance.
You can't help but feel more relaxed while examining it, even with the heightening sense of claustrophobia given off by this room. Nothing seems out of the norm, but maybe you could look harder?
[[Inspect Plant|Inspect Plant]]]
(if: $goodSearch > 3 and $goodSearch <= 4) [Even though the pot looks heavy, something tells you to lift it up. Underneath you find a small golden key...what could this be for? You place it in your pocket and reposition the plant. (set:$hasKey to 6)]
(if: $goodSearch > 4) [ You were never good at identifying plant species. For all intensive purposes it seems to be a normal plant, with long green stalks sticking 4 feet in the air. The plant's soil seems well fertilized and resides in a bright orange pot that's now evenly balalanced.]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Chest| Chest]](if: $hasBomb is 0) [The chest sits on a full-sized wooden table; It looks like something you'd find in Ikea. You rap on the tables surface and notice it feels sort of hollow; maybe that's how it was moved in without disturbing your slumber?]
(else:) [The open chest sits on a full-sized wooden table; It looks like something you'd find in Ikea. You rap on the tables surface and notice it feels sort of hollow; maybe that's how it was moved in without disturbing your slumber?]
[[Done| Chest]]
[[Inspect Chest|Inspect Chest]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Plant| Plant]](if: $hasBomb is 0) [A small chest with gold lining rests exactly in the table's center. It's front keyhole faces you, almost beckoning you to open it.]
(if: $hasBomb is 1) [ The opened chest rests exactly in the table's center. You decided to leave the key in the chests keyhole for safekeeping.
(if: $hasKey is 6) [You remember the gold key obtained from under the plant is still in your pocket...
[[Open Chest|Open Chest]]]
[[Inspect Table|Inspect Table]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Plant| Plant]](set: $hasBomb to 1) (set: $hasKey to 7)
CLICK. You slowly open the chest to find a small, black orb, roughly the size of a ball. Theres little hole right at the top of the orb, but no other markings of any kind.
Curious. You place the orb in your pocket and close the chest
[[Inspect Table|Inspect Table]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]]
[[Go to Plant| Plant]](set: $hasKey to 5)
(set: $hasBomb to 0)
(set: $lastStage to 0)
(set: $barrelSearch to 0)
(set: $hasWick to 0)
(set: $hasLighter to 0) (if: $barrelSearch < 1)[This barrel looks like it belongs on a pirate ship. It's wooden with three black straps ringing around it's core. The top looks removable...]
(else:) [ If you stare at the uncorked barrel long enough it begins to look like a gaping mouth...you really need to get out of this room.]
[[Inspect Barrel|Inspect Barrel]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]](set: $barrelSearch to $barrelSearch + 1)
(if: $barrelSearch < 2)[ The barrel's top is a bit stuck. You pull with all your might! POP The top comes flying off and crashes into a corner.
You look deep inside the barrel to find one solitary thing: A thick white thread that looks just big enough to fit into a hole. Could it be?
You fish around in your pocket and find the small black orb from before. The wick fits into insert perfectly. This is a bomb. Could lighting it could be your way out of here? (set: $hasWick to 1)
[ The barrel is completely empty. Did the wick really need to be placed in something this large?
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Bed|Bed]](set: $hasLighter to 1)
Out of the corner of your eye ou catch a glint of light, something is under the bed! You reach down to find a shiny, metal lighter.
All things considered, you could now blow you're way out of here...
[[Go to Sleep| Sleep]]
[[Go to Door|Door]]
[[Go to Barrel|Barrel]]You light the bomb's wick, set it by the door, and get as far from that thing as possible.
(set: $bombExplode to false)
(set: $outOfAirTime to 30)
(set: $elapsedTime to 0)
(live: 100ms) [
(set: $elapsedTime to (round: time / 1000))
(set: $outOfAirTime to $outOfAirTime - $elapsedTime)
(replace: ?warning)[
The bomb will explode in $outOfAirTime seconds!
(if: $outOfAirTime < 0) [
(goto: "Escape")
(text-style: "bold")[The bomb will explode in $outOfAirTime seconds!]<warning|
You're thrown back against the wall by the force of the blast! A crater now stands where the door used to be, and through it you see 3 strange humanoid looking creatures staring at you.
They're alll wearing lab coats and have tablets in they're hands. Is this some kind of experiment!? The humanoid creature in the middle steps forward; it's eyes completely white and pale skin glowing with luminescence.
"Congratluations, you've passed the test. Welcome to the real world." The left most humanoid presses a button on it's tablet, and suddenly the entire room begins glitching away in holographic like fashion.
You're surrounded by the ruins of a 21st century city. Flying ships float through the skies and the air is heavy with the smell of smoke. The middle humanoid approaches you with a syringe in hand.
"Now you can become one of us."
<img src = "https://unexpurgatedme.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/city-battle-ccb-ed-dystopian.jpg" width ="800" height="600" alt"The New World">
Thanks for playing!
- John Whitfield